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For years, both of us have felt a call to ministry. For Brad, that has come in the form of pastoral ministry. For Cristyn, it is supporting young people in their faith. For both of us, our calling has come close to home in serving here in Northern BC. While our missionary organizations may be different, our goal is the same. To share the Gospel and encourage the body of Christ. We have been surprised at how well our callings have mixed and mingled together. It has almost been like a tightly woven braid, with Christ at the centre holding us firm and together.

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If you are curious on more of our history, look no further!


Braldey was born and raised in Smithers BC. If you have ever met Brad you know that he has quite the personality! That may have come from his adventurous childhood, creating war games with his twin brother and being one of the founding members of HAM (Humans Against Mosquitoes) which was created one Sunday afternoon under the steps of the church. 


Cristyn was born and raised Prince George BC. There, she never found herself in much trouble. However, she was a drama kid and an art nerd which has caused an exposition of creativity and quirkiness in marriage and ministry.  


Both of us are graduates from Peace River Bible Institute [PRBI]. During our time there, we become friends our first year, dated our second, enjoyed life in our third and got engaged in our fourth year of Bible School. We learned and studied the ins and outs of ministry with hands-on experience in youth groups, prison ministry, worship and pastoral care. We also studied theology and took part in many grand debates on theology and the mystery of God.


During our last year of Bible School, Covid came upon Alberta like the great shadow of a Dark Lord over a land. We finished our schooling during that time of turmoil and uncertainty all while trying to plan our wedding! While this time was stressful, it was a time we fondly look on for how faithful God was during that time.

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We got married on June 6th, 2020. It was the weekend many of the Covid restrictions that were placed on during the spring were lifted. The next Sunday churches were allowed to be back in person (with some restrictions of course). We were blessed to celebrate our wedding, all be it drive-in style, with friends and family. Throughout the day it was meant to rain during our photos and wedding.


Afterwards, God lead us to two different ministries, Villiage Missions and InterVarsity. While in the beginning, we were worried about how these two ministries would work together, we were excited to see how God would lead us that year. Almost miraculously, Brad got a job with Villiage Missions as a pastor at Lakes Community Church. This was especially timely as it was during Covid! Cristyn began volunteering with InterVarsity to support young adults during Coivd. As the year went on, God began to put our feet on the ground and a deep love to preach the Gospel, disciple Christians to Youth and our Rural Community in Northern BC.


​During the depths of Covid blues, we thought it would be the perfect time to add another member of to our family. At the end of March, we took a trip to Smithers and adopted our sweet rescue Olive! She has been a joy and is one of the sweetest dogs you'll ever meet!

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Olive is a West Siberian Laika. She was born a jump and a skip away in Russia! Somehow she found her way to our little home in BC. If you ever get to meet her, Ollie is one of the gentlest and friendleset dogs you'll meet!

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The glory of God's faithfulness is that no sin of ours has ever made Him unfaithful.

Charles Spurgeon

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