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Financial Supporters, Prayer Warriors and Friends

If you are looking to support us, pray for us, those that connect us with others or just be a good and wise friend you have come to the right page! 


Ministry Partners are people or Churches who support our ministry either with prayer, wisdom, financial, practical resources and emotional support. 

Ministry Partners: Welcome



A Campus Minister is a missionary role on a local campus. IVCF supports their staff by creating a team and supplying funds through fundraising.

Now that I am at 80% I am able to begin ministry on campus! 


All funds that are donated for ministry at the University of British Columbia will go to reaching students with the Gospel and go towards Cristyn's salary as a missionary. 

Part of my (Cristyn's) goal with funds is to be as transparent as possible to where the money that is given goes. 


My Current Goal for funds: $3,534 per month 


As of January 2022, I am at 83% of my support for the year.


That is amazing I have been incredibly thankful for the support from the body of Chirst. 

Currently, I am at 53% of monthly support. 


Would you prayerfully consider supporting my ministry to disciple and tell young people on campus the Gospel? 

Joining monthly is the best way to see the longevity of IVCF ministry in Prince George. 


Ministry Partners: Text
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1. Click the link below and it will bring you to InterVarsity's donation page. You can also go to and click the "Donation" page at the top of the website. 

2. Once there scroll down. Click the "select designation" box and enter "Cristyn Bergen" â€‹â€‹

3. Enter either your credit or chequing information and support monthly or give a one-time gift. 

4. Click the submit button and you're done! You will receive a tax receipt for donating

Ministry Partners: About

Villiage Missions

The goal of Villiage Missions is the supply churches that cannot financially support their pastors with pastors! It is a missionary position in a rural community that asks for help and financial support for the ministry. 

Any funds that are donated go directly to us to help supplement Brad's wage and the ministry of serving the community around the Lakes area.  


My Current Goal for funds: $800 per month 


Currently, we are at: $531 per month


That's over half our goal! Thank you to those who are supporting us monthly! There have been many times and stories on God's provision over the months and we would not have food on our table if it wasn't for our supporters. 


Would you prayerfully consider supporting myself and Cristyn to reach people in the North with the Gospel? 

Ministry Partners: Text


1. Click the link below or go to and click the "donate" button at the top of the website. 
2. Scroll down and click the "Find a Missionary" button. 
3. In the search bar type in "Brad and Cristyn Bergen". 
4. Click on our picture, type in the amount you would like to give either as a monthly or one-time gift.
5. Enter the billing information and click "Process Gift" and you're done!

Ministry Partners: About


On the Front Lines

You'll notice that this page isn't just a "Donor" page. We truly believe that when we have others partner with us, they too are on the front lines of ministering to others in Northern BC. 

We would not be able to do ministry without a team of faithful brothers and sisters working alongside us. 

After all, as Paul says in 1 Corinthians 12

"Just as a body, though one has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ. For we were all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one body - whether Jews or Gentiles, slave or free - and we were all given the one Spirit to drink. Even so the body is not made up of one part but of many." 1 Cor 12:12 - 14


There is more to our missionary work in the North than just a Missionary and their Donors. 


Here below are the ways you can partner with us. 

Ministry Partners: Text


 Elders are those who have wisdom, who provide history and context, inviting us to courage and strength when time on the field gets tough. 


Investors are those who are financial partners who invest and resource the missionary for the ministry.


Those that give their time generously. These partners give their availability, muscle, and presence.


Prayer Warriors are those who are Spiritual fights and who do business in the spiritual realm.


Advocates are Networkers who leverage their trust in the missionary to others in their community.

Ministry Partners: List

As you can see there are many ways to support your local missionary if money is tight!

Already, we thank and we are blessed by the team of prayer warriors and elders that have rallied around us and lifted us up to our Heavenly Father. 


If you feel lead to partner us, click the button down below and send us a message. We would love to connect with you. 

Ministry Partners: Image


Jillian Wilson

You may have noticed some high-quality photos on our site! Those pictures were taken by our ministry partner and friend Jillian Wilson. She is an amazing and talented photographer. Jillian uses her gifts to capture God's beauty in friends, family and everyday life.

Jillian is located in the Grand Prairie Alberta area. If you would like to check out Jillian's work click the link below! 


We also had our friend Amy Missuna take a couple of photos last winter! 

These two ladies show how ministry partners can help in a variety of different ways. 

Ministry Partners: Image
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