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Calling Students to Follow Jesus

InterVarsity is a ministry dedicated to introducing students to Jesus. Whether this is at camp, high school or on campus, IVCF encourages students to follow Him in every part of their lives.

InterVarsity: Welcome

Campus Ministry

God is a Story-Maker. He writes each of our stories with compassion yet often we struggle to understand our past and what God is doing in our present. Post-Secondary is a time that can be fun but difficult as many students step out of their homes. For the first time, many step out into an adventure to discover who they are. I love and am excited to step onto campus, talk with students, learn their stories and help them discover Jesus.

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If you haven't meet me before, hi! My name is Cristyn and I am excited to take on the role of Campus Minister at the University of British Columbia. 

The role of Campus Minister is essential a disciple-maker, someone who encourages others to follow Jesus. This is done by mentoring a group of students on campus who are passionate about sharing the gospel on campus and encourage

their friends in their faith. 

This mentorship includes helping students run Bible Studies, Alpha Groups and fun events to invite their friends to on campus. 

In addition, part of my goal on campus will be to promote spiritual health to the leadership and students who are looking to understand what it means to live out their faith or simply to struggle through what Jesus means to them in their lives.

This is meant to reach students who are both Christian,

those who are exploring faith or who claim no faith. My personal goal is to help students to understand the long journey of biblical truth from the head to the heart and to help students understand the story God is writing in their lives. But ultimately, at the end of the day, it is a calling to share with others the beautiful redemptive work of Christ and the love he has for them.

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During the Spring of 2020, my fiance and I took a trip up to the UNBC campus to take a break from wedding planning. After that visit, the Lord had put a thought on my heart about the ministry of InterVarsity Chrisitan Fellowship (IVCF). I had just graduated from Bible School with a Bachelor's in Ministry. Through the whirlwind of those last four years, there was never the opportunity to attend an IVCF bible study or conference. However, there were friends at UNBC who told me about the community and how much they had been encouraged in their faith. 


After our wedding in June, I was not able to shake the idea of IVCF as a potential ministry. So, one afternoon and out of the blue, I stumbled upon the IVCF website. After sending out an email I wasn't sure if I would hear back but all of sudden, I was able to be connected to the Fellowship on campus at the University of British Columbia.  


During 2020 - 2021, I spent time adjusting to married life, journeying with Brad into Villiage Missions and volunteering with InterVarsity at UNBC. While the Covid-19 pandemic was at its height IVCF was quick to find creative ways to support students while respecting the BC Covid guidelines. It was a great and difficult year learning to do ministry online.

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After that year, I spent time praying and felt lead to continuing my journey with IVCF. While ministry online was difficult, I couldn't deny how much God had worked not just in the lives of students but in my own life during the pandemic! I love seeing students follow Jesus and IVCF has certainly fueled that desire! IVCF has also become a place where I have found God has put to use the creative heart God has placed inside me. One of my highlights was creating a Spoken Word that reflected the story of Naomi found in the book of Ruth. Though it was a time of brokenness, I was blown away at how God had used it to encourage others through Covid blues. 

Finding a place that has fueled my creativity and love for sharing Jesus with students has spurred me into a deep passion for the vision and mission of InterVarsity.


Check out the Link below to hear my Spoken Word


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Reflect our faith in Jesus Christ as the living God while actively leading others to a personal relationship with him


Deepen the spiritual life and gifts of those around us by encouraging Bible study, fellowship, prayer and worship


Encourage those empowered by the Holy Spirit to love one another as Christ loves us.


Assist followers of Jesus in their exploration of Christ’s relevance to every aspect of their lives


Raise up godly youth and students to serve as leaders in God’s world mission


Affirm God’s call for all Christians to dedicate their lives and work to him through prayer, service and giving

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Financial Support

This role is one supported by the Body the Christ. While it may not be overseas, this is a missionary role within Northern BC. If you would like to support my minister at UNBC click the button below to find more information on being a ministry partner.

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